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Morgan Productions

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Status Replies posted by Morgan Productions

  1. Uploading something for the first time in 6 months be like:

  2. due to a fault with the patch included with 2B48 to enable the refurb SN 455/8 the scenario has been taken down whilst a fix is worked on, , once fixed the scenario will be reuploaded and the patch will be released sperately

    1. Morgan Productions

      Morgan Productions

      the fault has now been fixed, delays are expected for he next 60 minutes, disruption till 2300

  3. Hello there!

    Thank you to everyone who has downloaded and enjoyed my CEP scenario which was, for a few hours, the most downloaded item on this new site! 

    I'm currently busy doing others things but fear not, I have a few scenarios in the mix. The next one should be triple 158s on the Fife Circle which should be out soon. 

    I also have an Angel set scenario on MML South coming soon too. It'll be out later as I've got plenty of bugs to slap first

    Have a fantastic day!


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