About This File
This download seamlessly integrates into the popular Westcountry3 map, enhancing your gameplay with a range of accurate Arriva destination displays, available for both MS and SP display systems.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the recent update to the Masterswitch Hanover system, this pack is currently incompatible with MS buses. A patch is being worked on...
Masterswitch Studios Masterbus Veiling Pack
Masterswitch Studios Masterbus Gen 3 Pack
Studio Polygon Lite Pack
Studio Polygon 400MMC Pack
Studio Polygon Renown Pack
Westcountry3 (this download is compatible with v3.03a!)
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- Will - Screenshot(s) for .gif.
- Linctasticoln - Screenshot(s) for .gif.
- xanpb - For Arriva HELEN font, which I added/adjusted on top of that.
- cjsou (Curtis) - For number font used on some rear displays.