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Download Terms

Your file is ready for download. Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms:

Semaphore Simulations Terms

Unless stated otherwise on the download page, all content hosted on Semaphore Simulations is created by members of Semaphore Simulations.
You are allowed to edit the content (ingame or through utilities such as TS_Tools), however you are not allowed to redistribute these modifications.
You are not allowed to redistribute any of the content hosted on this site, without permission from the creator of the content.
You are allowed to use any content on the site in Youtube videos, social media posts or anything similar. We do kindly request that you link to our site if our content has been used, however this is not required.
You are not allowed to use this content in any payware addons, or other content that may result in commercial gain, including paid subscriptions, without prior permission from the creator of the content you are using.
We take every effort to ensure that the content hosted here does not contain any viruses and malware. If any content damages your game or system, we accept no responsibility for any damage caused to your game or system.
Please note that any specific terms stated by the individual developer overrule the terms stated here, these terms would be made clear in the manual.
You can access the content creators through their Discord profile (available on the About Us page) or through the email address posted above.

Last modified: 05/01/2025

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